Achieve PCI DSS compliance

Leverage Qanapi to meet the requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), ensuring your team securely handles cardholder data.

Reduce time to PCI

Meet PCI compliance within minutes. Qanapi's API can be leveraged to meet requirements, allowing your team to focus on the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ).

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Save money meeting PCI requirements

Test Qanapi for free by having a developer use our API to meet PCI requirements in minutes. Reduce audit costs and eliminate the need for third-party solutions that add unnecessary complexity.

Randomize payment information

Tokenize card data for issuers and payment acceptors, ensuring payment information remains secure throughout the entire transaction. Developers can integrate our API to enhance security within any tech stack.

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Explore B2B compliance frameworks


Frequently asked questions

What is PCI DSS?

PCI DSS is a standard that helps companies assess their exposure to financial cyber threats when handling online payment processing. Qanapi’s encryption API can be applied to payment processing data, ensuring the safety of your customers' transactional information.

How can Qanapi’s encryption API help my business achieve PCI DSS compliance?

Qanapi’s encryption API offers advanced encryption technologies and secure key management to protect cardholder data both in transit and at rest, which aligns with PCI DSS requirements. By utilizing Qanapi’s encryption solutions, businesses can safeguard sensitive payment information, reduce the risk of data breaches, and ensure compliance with PCI DSS standards.

What are the consequences of failing to comply with PCI DSS standards?

Non-compliance with PCI DSS can lead to significant financial penalties, legal action, and the loss of the ability to process credit card payments. It can also result in data breaches, causing severe reputational damage and loss of customer trust. Qanapi’s encryption API helps businesses maintain PCI DSS compliance, protecting payment data and minimizing the risk of costly violations.

Learn more about Qanapi and PCI DSS by scheduling a live demo with our team.

Start building with quantum resistance

Encrypt anything, anywhere, at any time with Qanapi.