Balancing Digital Transformation and Data Security

Ensure data protection while your organization scales.

Balancing Digital Transformation and Data Security

Scale your business with high-grade data protection

Digital transformation is a hot topic, but it's rare to hear it discussed alongside data security.

Most companies focus on the technologies they'll adopt, the new channels they'll open, and the cost savings they’ll gain from digital transformation. While these benefits are significant, companies that haven’t started digitizing are already falling behind. Their more tech-savvy competitors are better equipped to adapt to changing customer needs.

However, in the rush to digitize, many overlook the importance of data security. Digital transformation can open the door to new cyber threats, putting sensitive information at risk.

In a recent post by Varonis:

  • The average cost of a data breach is $4.88 million
  • It takes an average of 194 days to identify a data breach in 2024

This highlights why digital transformation and data protection must work together, particularly strategies like Zero Trust Security.

Two types of digital transformation

Companies usually approach digital transformation in two ways—sometimes both. First, they automate manual processes with software. For example, healthcare organizations moved from paper records to electronic health records due to initiatives like the Meaningful Use program. Similarly, businesses across industries have digitized operations to make data accessible on desktops and mobile devices.

Second, companies digitize the products and services they offer. Healthcare providers use apps for patient interactions, and banks offer online account access. Across industries, customers can now pay bills and access services online.

The intersection of digital transformation and data security

At every stage of digital transformation, data protection must be a priority. Whether a company is automating internal processes or developing customer-facing applications, data security should be part of the process from the start. If data security is an afterthought, it may already be too late, and data breaches could occur.

How to begin securing your data

The pandemic has only accelerated digital transformation, making data security more critical than ever. While many companies recognize the need for data security in their internal processes, they often neglect to build it into customer-facing applications.

The solution starts with collaboration. Every department in your organization should work closely with your IT and security teams. This ensures that there are no gaps or delays in addressing security. Any team developing a customer-facing app should consult with data security experts from the start, not wait until after the product is launched.

Your Chief Security Officer and head of product development should coordinate efforts, integrating data protection and security measures like Post-Quantum Encryption and Zero Trust Security into every stage of product planning. By building a culture of compliance and security, your organization can protect sensitive data while continuing to innovate.

Incorporating data protection into your digital transformation strategy from the beginning ensures data security isn’t an afterthought, but a foundation for future growth.

Qanapi provides a free and easy solution to data protection. Try it today and get set up in minutes.

About Qanapi

Qanapi is a leading innovator in data security and governance. Our encryption API is built for speed and security, so any team can get Zero Trust data protection within minutes. Try it out for free by creating your first project today.

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