Enhance Data Security with a Zero Trust Approach

Improve your organizations data protection with Qanapi.

Enhance Data Security with a Zero Trust Approach

Always verify, never trust

Looking to elevate your data protection initiatives? Adopting a Zero Trust Security model when selecting and implementing a data encryption solution can make a significant impact.

In a Zero Trust Security framework, every user must be authenticated, authorized, and validated each time they access applications or data, regardless of their location, device, or position in the organization. Even after users have logged in and established credentials, they will need to reverify periodically to maintain access to information.

In Zero Trust, there are no "trusted" users—everyone must continually prove their identity to maintain access.

In 2020, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published Special Publication (SP) 800-207, outlining the key components of Zero Trust Architecture. These guidelines are valuable for both government and private-sector organizations looking to implement Zero Trust Security.

Key principles of Zero Trust data management

To apply Zero Trust principles to secure data protection, it’s essential to follow three core practices based on NIST guidelines: continuous verification, limiting your blast radius, and automating context collection and response.

Continuous verification

Continuous verification revolves around access controls, including Post-Quantum Encryption.

At Qanapi, we take a unique approach to Zero Trust Data Protection. Encryption keys remain locked unless specific policies and rules are validated, ensuring that access depends not just on user credentials but on strict identity and policy validation. We also apply the principle of least privilege (PoLP), where users only have access to the data and tools they need for their job—and nothing more. By enforcing PoLP, you can prevent unnecessary access and maintain a strong Zero Trust Security posture.

Limiting your blast radius

If a malicious actor breaches your security, it's crucial to limit the damage. One way to reduce the impact is to ensure data cannot be accessed without additional credentials.

Using Qanapi’s solution, each piece of data shared in the cloud is individually encrypted, providing a high level of security. This approach minimizes the risk of ransomware and other attacks and offers a stringent form of Zero-Trust Data Management.

Automating context collection and response

Once you’ve implemented controls to minimize your blast radius, the next step is to collect data on user behaviors and security incidents to determine appropriate responses. A Zero Trust data management solution that automates this process simplifies incident response.

Qanapi offers advanced audit logging, allowing you to track actions at both the individual data level and across your organization. You can generate comprehensive reports, instantly revoke access to sensitive data, or "Kill the Key" to stop data from being accessed in real-time. This feature is essential for addressing potential threats quickly and can be reversed if needed.

Replace outdated solutions with one platform

As Qanapi protects your data, it helps you adhere to Zero Trust principles while enabling you to replace outdated, less secure data protection technologies with a single, robust platform.

Try Qanapi for free to see how your organization can implement Zero Trust Security and provide the level of Data Protection you need.

About Qanapi

Qanapi is a leading innovator in data security and governance. Our encryption API is built for speed and security, so any team can get Zero Trust data protection within minutes. Try it out for free by creating your first project today.

Start building with quantum resistance

Encrypt anything, anywhere, at any time with Qanapi.