Data Protection for Critical Infrastructure

Protect the most important industries in our nation.

Data Protection for Critical Infrastructure

Introduce Zero Trust security to critical infrastructure

U.S. businesses have focused on critical infrastructure data protection since 2021 when President Biden issued an executive order to improve the nation's data security. The order emphasizes that “the prevention, detection, assessment, and remediation of data incidents is a top priority and essential to national and economic security.”

This is the latest in a series of government actions aimed at securing critical infrastructure. The focus on infrastructure security can be traced back to 1996 when President Clinton signed Executive Order 13010, establishing a national commission on critical infrastructure.

While presidents and regulations may change, the trend over the past two decades—both in the U.S. and globally—has been toward increasing data protection requirements. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) now recognizes 16 critical infrastructure sectors, extending regulations to industries that weren't previously included.

Whether your organization has been strengthening data security for years or is just beginning to respond to new directives, you might be wondering why regulations continue to tighten and how to meet compliance in a cost-effective way.

Some industries may have been surprised by President Biden’s push for stronger data security. Traditionally, defense organizations have taken the most precautions to prevent attacks. But why does data security matter in sectors like agriculture? The reason is that we are in an era of fifth-generation warfare, where nations attempt to disrupt critical infrastructure and daily life without direct conflict. The aim is to weaken economies and influence nations through non-violent means.

This explains why protecting critical infrastructure isn’t just about safeguarding defense networks. It extends to sectors like energy, water, and agriculture, which can be targets for disrupting society or gaining strategic information.

For instance, a cyberattack on the energy sector could lead to a major U.S. city losing power, increasing the risk of civil unrest. Similarly, hacking into a smaller water treatment facility could allow hostile actors to spread harmful substances like chlorine gas in residential areas.

Even the food and agriculture sector is at risk. Beyond contamination, a foreign adversary could hack into a supplier’s system, learning sensitive details like increased grocery deliveries to a military base, which could reveal classified troop movements.

Cost-effective data security tools for critical infrastructure

While the defense sector has long invested in advanced data protection, other industries may find themselves unprepared for the new requirements. If your organization operates in one of these sectors, you may be seeking affordable ways to comply with strict data security regulations without overspending.

Thanks to innovations in data protection, advanced security tools are now more accessible than ever. Solutions like Qanapi can help protect critical assets while meeting government requirements. Qanapi’s Zero Trust Security and Post-Quantum Encryption features provide affordable and scalable protection for businesses, government entities, and defense organizations of all sizes.

Take the next step towards securing the U.S. critical infrastructure with Qanapi. Try our solution for free today and get set up in minutes.

About Qanapi

Qanapi is a leading innovator in data security and governance. Our encryption API is built for speed and security, so any team can get Zero Trust data protection within minutes. Try it out for free by creating your first project today.

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